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Dispose of in a sentence

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Sentence count:135+4Posted:2016-11-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: predisposedpredispositiontransposein case ofbecause ofmake use ofin the case ofin the course ofMeaning: v. deal with or settle. 
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(61) It's especially useful in lofts or cellars, and will also dispose of bath and/or shower waste through the same pipes.
(62) However, it is important immediately to dispose of one popular fallacy.
(63) The men who had marched north with Duncan to dispose of his dangerous half-brother at Tarbatness had mostly died in that battle.
(64) It did not take burglars and curious poisons to dispose of him.
(65) Stannah Stairlifts Carry on enjoying life with a Stannah How do you dispose of a disposable nappy hygienically?
(66) The four dissenting justices wanted to dispose of the case without considering the constitutional question.
(67) One of the more intractable problems was how to dispose of the effluent in an ecologically acceptable way.
(68) The only way to dispose of these rabbits is while they are out on their feeding grounds.
(69) Householders and tradesmen both use the refuse dump to dispose of their garbage.
(70) This is a safe and convenient way to dispose of chemicals.
(71) Other provisions to provide incentives for states to dispose of the waste remained intact.
(72) Ensure that there is a suitable place to dispose of soiled dressings.
(73) These goods are difficult to dispose of.
(74) They dispose of the city's waste in the sea.
(75) He used to dispose of something perfunctorily.
(76) Management tactics range from using bone charcoal to soak up the carcinogen and then dispose of it as toxic waste to chemically transforming hexavalent chromium to a more benign form.
(77) If you have more freedom to allow farmers to dispose of land power, not only can reduce the abandonment of land[], the land can be more effective.
(78) Article 16 A citizen may, by means of a will made in accordance with the provisions of this Law, dispose of the property he owns and may appoint a testamentary executor for the purpose.
(79) We carried out key environmental protection projects to desulphurize emissions from coal-fired power plants, treat urban sewage and dispose of waste safely.
(80) Widowed women right to dispose of inherited property, no person shall interfere.
(81) The carrier is the first ship set for reefing under the Navy's new program to dispose of old warships.
(82) Because CFLs contain a small amount of mercury, call your sanitation department or visit to find out the best way to dispose of bulbs in your area.
(82) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(83) On the other hand, metropolitan government could dispose of economic-social problems in central cities by using tax sharing tool, improve investment environment and promote regional economy.
(84) Dispose of that nulear waste properly or it will contaminate the groundwater.
(85) To dispose of ( waste material ) in a landfill.
(86) The schemes to dispose of reset signal and clock signal in VHDL high-level synthesis are given also.
(87) The city's challenge, chiefly, is to dispose of cesium-137, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 30 years.
(88) Call your local sanitation department and ask them how to dispose of them safely.
(89) If the damage is not serious, I hope you could help us to dispose of them at a reduced price.
(90) The DEC urges people to phone the Giant Hogweed Hotline to report finding a specimen of the dangerous plant. They'll immediately dispatch a crew to dispose of it.
More similar words: predisposedpredispositiontransposein case ofbecause ofmake use ofin the case ofin the course ofdisplaydisputemake full use ofposedisplaceat the expense ofon displaysupposeexposeopposeimposecomposeproposeopposeddisparagingproposedsupposedlyon purposeindispensablebe supposed todiscloseas soon as possible
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